Harness the power of your unconscious through dream incubation: an
age-old technique to access hidden wisdom and receive instruction
through your dreams.Everyone dreams-both literally and
metaphorically-but most people don't know that their dreams can be used
for personal development. Therapist, dream expert, and founder of the
Jung Society of Utah and the Jung Platform Machiel Klerk shares how,
through dream incubation, you can manifest the life of your dreams just
by cultivating an intimate relationship with your own dreams and taking
the guidance you receive from your subconscious. If you ask the right
question and keep an open mind, your dream will give you an answer.
Klerk offers an easy, actionable five-step process to help you have an
incubation dream, a dream that reveals the answer to your question.
1. Identify the problem and decide that you'd like to ask your dream for help.
2. Develop a question that relates directly to the issue for which you are seeking answers.
3. Engage in a ritual aimed to enhance the dream response, like meditation.
4. Sleep, and upon waking, immediately record your dream or dreams.
5. Reflect on the dream and determine the "lesson" it offered.
“In this very accessible book, Machiel Klerk explains the brass tacks of
dream incubation. The how-to and the why, the history and the ancestry.
Dream incubation gives us access to healing and creativity. It was just
waiting for a simple—though not simplistic—guide. Here it is.” — Robert Bosnak, author of A Little Course in Dreams
“Dreams respond as oracles, offering guidance to one of life’s most
precious treasures—the Soul. Few know the ways of connecting to these
oracular powers. Machiel Klerk offers
a step-by-step process of
asking the focused questions that unleash the guiding wisdom of dreams.
This book breaks new ground, opens new possibilities, speaks to the
heart and soul. It is a must-read for those following the way of the
dream.” — Dr. Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute and Dream Tending.
“Machiel Klerk understands that dreams are not only apertures into the
mystery within each of us but also summonses generated by the soul to
engage consciousness. He has assembled a rich collection of ideas,
tools, and examples showing how to open a dialogue within and be guided
by that source which knows us better than we know ourselves.” — James Hollis, Ph.D., author of The Broken Mirror