In the 1970s, two of the most influential thinkers of the psychedelic era gathered what was then known about psilocybin botany and culture and presented it in Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide. Writing under pseudonyms, the McKenna brothers provided simple, reliable, and productive methods for magic mushroom propagation, including black-and-white photographs that showed the techniques of the time.
The development of more modern cultivation techniques does not eclipse the cultural contributions of this book. Philosophical asides, whimsical illustrations evoking the mystical nature of mushrooms, and speculations about the relationship of these organisms to humankind provide a lasting legacy. Truly the classic manual on home cultivation, the wisdom of Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide continues to inspire new students of psycho-mycology—and refreshes psychedelic memories for others.
“This slim volume, with its densely packed text and fanciful, otherworldly line drawings, held for us an immediate and irresistible allure. Like an illuminated manuscript or book of spells, it glittered and hummed with meaning, reaching out to us from the crowded shelves.” —L.G. Nicholas and Kerry Ogamé, in Psilocybin Mushroom Handbook