Nightmare Help taught me how to help my child with her fears. This book helps a child learn to defend and empower herself. Instead of being the victim of the dream, she can use her day mind to negotiate with the fears of the night mind. Instead of changing the subject or creating a fantasy solution,this book helps children confront their fears and envision workable resolutions, to better understand the position the dream has put them in, and the message to be gained from the dream. I have not seen any other book that really helps as well as this book does.
Just reading the dreams in the book will show your child that he or she is not the only one that has such frightening dreams. I invited this author to my child's preschool to do a workshop with the children, some of whom were having trouble with nightmares and they really responded to the methods outlined in this book. Also, you don't have to be a therapist to understand how to help your child!
Works Everytime! This is a wonderful book. I am a child therapist and use it frequently to help children beleagured by nightmares and bad dreams. The plentiful drawings are done by children and illustrate well the simple technique for confronting the images in the dream. I like especially that the technique does not use violence to attack or destroy monsters, but emphasizes much more creativity.