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Fernando Botero Angulo (born April 19, 1932) is a Colombian figurative artist, self-titled \"the most Colombian of Colombian artists\" early on, coming to prominence when he won the first prize at the Salón de Artistas Colombianos in 1958. Botero\'s work includes still-lifes and landscapes, but Botero tends to primarily focus on situational portraiture. His paintings and sculptures are united by their proportionally exaggerated, or \"fat\" figures, as he once referred to them. Botero explains his use of these \"large people\", as they are often called by critics, or obese figures and forms thus: \"An artist is attracted to certain kinds of form without knowing why.
You adopt a position intuitively; only later do you attempt to rationalize or even justify it.\" Botero is an abstract artist in the most fundamental sense of the word, choosing what colors, shapes, and proportions to use based on intuitive aesthetic thinking. Though he currently spends only one month a year in Colombia, he considers himself the \"most Colombian artist living\" due to his insulation from the international trends of the art world.
Published by Art Unlimited, Amsterdam.