Open Minds to Equality is an educator's sourcebook of activities to help students understand and change inequalities based on race, gender, class, age, language, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, and religion. The activities also promote respect for diversity and interpersonal equality among students, fostering a classroom that is participatory, cooperative, and democratic. Learning activities are sequenced to build awareness and understanding. First, students, develop skills for building trust, communication and collaboration. They learn to recognize stereotypes and discrimination and explore their presence in people's lives and in institutions. Finally, students create changes, gaining self-confidence and experiencing collective responsibility. This book is an essential resource for teachers, leaders in professional development and curriculum specialists.
"A Much-needed resource for educators at all levels who are interested in promoting cirtical thinking in their classrooms and social change in their communities. I highly recommend it!" --Beverly Daniel Tatum, author of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
An outstanding resource for multicultural education and helping children envision and work toward social justice. This book is theoretically well-grounded, very practical, and loaded with information. Every teacher should have a copy of this book, and everyone who prepares teachers should be familiar with it. --Christine Sleeter, author of Multiculturalism as Social Activism